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How to Plan Ahead and Plan Big to Find the Best Finance Talent


When it comes to finding and hiring the best finance and accounting talent, finance leaders, hiring managers and department heads must follow a few specific and tangible to ensure they attract and retain top people.

1. Know where finance is headed and what is expected of future leaders:

You will need to understand clearly where your business and industry is heading and what skills and talents your finance team must possess to get your there. Your vision must be in sync with your marching orders, and knowing the directions your organization has to go is the most important step in ensuring you set up the finance function on the right path.

2. Tell your story to the rest of the organization:

Once the vision is clear and agreed upon by all the decision makers within the department, it's time to clarify Finance's mandate. The rest of the organization and the key stakeholders must understand where your department is heading, how you'll get there and the tools and support you'll need to be successful. Talent loves the idea of being apart of a bigger purpose and helping you achieve your mission and vision. Let them know your plans and how they'll fit into it. 

3. Diversify your talent mix and success will be yours:

Have you ever tried to solve an increasingly complex problem with a group of people who all thought the same? By actively creating a diverse yet complimentary group of finance rockstars, you as the leader and hiring manager will greatly benefit from a variety of skills sets, viewpoints and life and on the job lessons from different walks and locations of life. Look at augmenting your accounting and finance team with people who have gained valuable experience from such areas and disciplines as internal audit, business intelligence, operations, and compliance. While these resources may not have a CPA, they do understand financial data, complex problem-solving, and achieving process and program excellence.

4. Stay away from "Yes-Men & Women":

Create an environment that accepts and embraces healthy debate and discourse. As a finance leader, promoting such a culture demonstrates that you are in fact the right leader of the team due to your ability to listen and compromise. Stay afloat and current by allowing others to have perspective and offer opinions. As long as there is a high level of respect amongst the group, there is no downside for constructive dissension.


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