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Why Your Finance Team Must Have Lives Outside of Work


You care about your employees and show it in many ways: a safe working environment, competitive pay, good benefits, and a few perks along the way. But did you know that one of the most important ways you can show you care is to encourage them to have a life outside of work? That might sound counterintuitive. After all, you might reason, what your people do after work is of no concern to you. But when you think about it, it makes good sense for the overall well-being of your workers and your business.

In the modern, fast-paced world of business, employees are busier than ever. Many are working longer hours and taking on additional assignments in hopes of climbing the career ladder.

This is understandable. You want your team members to work hard and succeed. But you also want their success to be sustainable, and having a good balance between work and their personal lives is one of the keys to their long-term success.

Here are four reasons for promoting an appropriate work-life balance for your team members:

It helps them avoid burnout

Without a balance between work and play, your employees are risking a breakdown. Encourage them to take a portion of their free time to focus on their interests. There’s a good chance they will be more creative and productive on the job, and they will more than likely avoid burnout.

It can energize them

Some of those stressful days at the office seem like they will never end. But if your workers have something to look forward to (a hobby, coaching soccer, a service organization, etc.) it can energize them and power them through their toughest days.

They might come up with clever ideas

You never know what will spark an innovative idea. It might be something that you see or hear at work, but it’s also very likely that it will occur when you’re sitting at a Rotary meeting or watching your little girl play softball. Activities outside of work can help you to be a well-rounded individual who can have an epiphany that benefits the business.

It makes them more interesting

It’s not easy to leave your work at the office. After all, there are so many ways to stay connected, and you can extend your work day into your car and at home. Instead of answering company emails and reading the latest John Maxwell book on how to be a great employee, get involved in something that is not related to what you do from 9 to 5.

You’ll be treating yourself to a fulfilling life — and you’ll become a more interesting person to boot!

Need help retaining your best workers or attracting top talent? We can help you find the next superstar to help improve your team and grow your business. For more management tips or ideas on bringing the best and brightest into your organization, contact Halcyon Finance & Accounting Recruitment today.

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